Monday, May 13, 2013

Baltimorons: Mother's Day Edition

So this past Friday, I walked down to my friendly neighborhood liquor store to grab my quarterly six-pack (I'm not much of a drinker; a six pack normally DOES last me at least a quarter of a year). As I approached the front door of the store, there was a young woman trying to maneuver her way inside with a baby in a a stroller...hmmm, okay...

So, I grabbed the door, held it open, and the woman strolled on inside the liquor with child in tow. I went to follow her into the store, but then I had to step back, because, lo and behold, here is another woman with two children walking along beside her, coming out of the store, brown bag in hand. Good grief...

Finally, I made it inside, without having to step aside for any more women and children. But - aye aye aye - there was another young lady standing in line with a baby on her hip, and yet another with two youngsters wearing school uniforms and back packs peering in the store's refrigerator for her brand of beer. What in the world was going on here?

Hey look, I know if a woman wants to get her drink on - responsibly - who am I to say she can't? I mean, I was in the store preparing for the same purpose. And yes, I have occasionally seen a woman with child in this liquor store before without incident. But damn, FOUR women with children in here all at the same time? Hmmmm, I guess they getting ready to the Mother's Day weekend up RIGHT...

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